Python wrapper for the Fast Light Toolkit pyFLTK

ListMaintainersPyfltk 1.4FeaturesGoalsNews

This is the home of pyFLTK - Python wrapper for the Fast Light Tool Kit cross-platform graphical user-interface library. We're using SWIG to create the Python wrapper.
The current stable branch of this project: pyFLTK 1.4.1 wraps FLTK 1.4.1.

Latest News:

Now that FLTK 1.4 is released, pyFltk 1.4.1 is also now available for Python 3.10 and newer (see Downloads)


Goals of the Project:

Main Features:

pyFltk 1.4

Status :

This is the current stable branch. This version requires C++ FLTK 1.4.x and pyFltk 1.4.x Therefore, both FLTK and pyFltk must be installed on macOS and Linux systems since shared libraries are utilized. Windows systems only require pyFltk as it's built statically.


The items left are:

pyFltk 1.3.9

Status :

This is the old stable branch. Work on this branch is now mostly suspended except for critical bugs so that we may focus on the current stable 1.4 branch.


Download from the Source-Forge project page.


  • Lead: Andreas Held
  • Robert Arkiletian
  • Mailing List:

    Subscribe to the pyFLTK mailing list: pyfltk-user